We all know that since the late 90's food allergies have been on the rise. At the current time it is believed that 1 in 13 kids has a food allergy, and new research is suggesting it could be 1 in 12.
So why are so many children developing food allergies? The answer to that question depends on who you ask.
In my research of this topic I have found a number of suggested theories' for why food allergies are on the rise, none of which answers the question completely, however see what you think.
The Grandparent Theory
I call this first one the Grandparent Theory because people often refer back and ask why did our grandparents not have food allergies. This theory states that because our grandparents ate locally grown foods that were seasonal, they cook these foods at home with traditional methods, not using preservatives, and they did not diet, and spent the majority of their time out doors. That our grandparents had a healthier lifestyle that we do.
It has been suggested that food allergies come from our jeans. There has not been one jean found to be the root cause of food allergies but rather they believe that it is a combination of factors of jeans coming together and expressing themselves as an allergy. Sciencemag.org states that a new study shows that increased T cell counts lead to over reactive immune systems. Children born to parents with any allergy have a 2x more likely to have allergy, and children born by C-section are 3x more likely. They also suggest that children born by C-section do not develop the proper bacteria, Dr. Christine Johnson.
Food Theory
I'm calling this the food theory because there are so many suggestions about food, we're just putting them all together. GMO's, processed foods, pesticides, antibiotics, and chem-trails. It seems these are the ingredients for conspiracy. Depending on who you ask the government is poisoning us to effect population control, or they want to make us fat and dumb, or everyone of these things is perfectly safe and misunderstood by the general public. You please decide.
The Water Theory
According to Elina Jerschow M.D. "Annals of Allergy & Asthma Immunology" Tap water should be our biggest concern. Increased levels of Dichlorophenols used to chlorinate water and pesticides are associated with food allergies. Allergies are on the rise in countries with rising sanitation standards, and are low in poor countries. In the 60's and 70's the rise in food allergies was thought to be due the A-bomb, that was later dismissed, because that would have shown global increases, and food allergies are localized events.
So there they are Food Allergy Theories. I know as parents of food allergic children we want to know where allergies come from but, at this time there is not good answer and the best thing for us to do is to take care of our children the best ways we can. If you want to go to the farmers market and eat local good for you. We personally keep a garden, I like my daughter knowing how to eat fresh vegies, we bake most everything ourselves because of her allergy. do what's best for you and your family and maybe the scientist will figure it out later.
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