I did not see it coming. Who would have guessed that pineapple would become the enemy.
I had always loved pineapple. It was sweet and tart all at the same time. Over the years I had begun to notice some issues. I would develop blisters or cancersoures if I consumed to much in a short amount of time. But this lasted for years and I still loved the taste, so I would just limit how much I had.
However, on a recent trip to Florida I had fruit salad served to me. I had No Idea that there was pineapple in it since my bowl did not contain any pieces of the fruit. Just the contact of the juice was enough to cause me the most sever citrus allergy reaction I have ever experienced in my life.
Fruit which is normally cool and refreshing felt as if I had just put a spoon of hot coals into my mouth. The fruit and juice I had consumed had blistered the whole of the inside of my mouth. I was unable to eat normally for the next three days. The roof of my mouth, was blisterd. My tongue was pitted with burned out taste buds and swollen, while the inside of my cheeks hurt to even touch my teeth.
Thank goodness I was on vacation with my mother, who has her own citrus allergy to oranges, and we were able to recognize what the problem was.
The biggest kick of it all is to arrive at Christmas and not have family members believe that such a thing is possible. My husband overhearing the disbelief at the other end of the table stepped in a said, "Yes. It's called a citrus allergy, it usually develops in adults, and her mother has the same thing.
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