
Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Kindness of Friends :(

At the end of a wonderful camping weekend with friends and there families, it was time to pack up and go home. Some of the extra food was being divided and passed out to the individual families to take home. Mostly some toaster pastries and chunky peanut granola bars.

I took a case of what I thought was chocolate toaster pastries and loaded them into the truck. It wasn't until we got home and unpacked everything that I realized my mistake. The box my have said toaster pastries, but it was full of 12 boxes of chunky peanut granola bars. What in the world was I going to do with all of these.

Not being one to want to throw away perfectly good food I kept them as snacks for myself. You think I would have learned better. I put them up on a high shelf and had one every few days without an incident. I was starting to feel pretty proud of myself. This went on for quite sometime and there had been no problems. No cross contamination and I got to have and afternoon snack that was just for me.

Of course when you become to confident in a thing is when it all goes wrong. One afternoon after a nap I changed my daughter and sent her off to play. When it was time to change her again, I saw it. It was unmistakable. She had hives in the shape of my thumb print on her belly and was scratching it.

I just wanted to die, I had done it to her again. I gave her Benadryl and her steroid cream, and in a few hours it had cleared up.

After that we have tried to become a totally Peanut free house, it's just not worth the stress and the guilt, to know that your the one who made your child sick.

And we no longer accept food from friends, unless we absolutely know what is in it.

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